My musical journey started in Grammar school. I took up the French Horn and for six years took private lessons and played in the school orchestra and band. While I enjoyed the group energy and camaraderie, I began to feel trapped. I was bored reading someone else’s music and I didn’t want to limit my musical options to the traditional path anymore. I quit the orchestra, took up guitar, and eventually gravitated to the piano. I started learning a variety of music but focused on improvising and writing my own music.

Later in my professional life, in addition to maintaining a schedule of gigs, I composed for and performed with several dance theater companies. It was also during this time that I had an opportunity to become a touring clinician. As an adjunct instructor I presented piano clinics and workshops at colleges and universities in 65 cities throughout the U.S. While this was profitable and fun for a number of years, I once again started feeling isolated and creatively drained. I needed to flip the script. I was feeling trapped teaching a limited curriculum and wanted to share the deeper skills of improvisation and its transformational power.

When the pandemic hit, all of my teaching and performing gigs disappeared. So, as a result started I started working with several coaches and mentors on ways to bring about more depth and fulfillment in my work. It was during this time that I realized I wanted to create a different kind of teaching business, not just another “off the rack” version of piano lessons, but something that would bring about transformation for those willing to be transformed.

Finding my way in music has been a double edged sword. Along with the joy of doing what I loved

doing, I often felt trapped in the snares of imposter syndrome, self doubt, and insecurity. There were

looming feelings of not being good enough and of being unworthy of what I had accomplished, still

needing to please others at my own expense. On top of all that, I had developed back pain so

severe that it dominated my life for over a decade. I eventually discovered that once I stopped

looking for a physical explanation for my pain, it dissipated with the realization that all along, the

back pain had only been a manifestion of my painful inner struggle.

Now I’ve begun to see life itself as improvisation. There aren’t any “mistakes.” All of my experiences have had purpose, and my “failures” have been teachers showing me the way.

I have learned to trust my uniqueness and have realized that all along, within my insecurities and faults, is the very substance of my strength and creativity. I’ve learned the practice of cultivating a fearless mindset, regardless of any circumstance. I choose to center my teaching around improvisation because it calls upon the whole individual. It requires a willingness to transmute the ego and the courage to soar with the angels.

In retrospect, I am grateful for the all of my past trapped feelings and limiting experiences that have brought me to clarity. Now I’m grateful for the opportunity to help others grow into the best version of themselves, musically and beyond.

*If you’re facing the challenge of wanting to break free from musical tedium and boredom...

*If you fear being too old, too young, not talented enough...

*If you struggle with anxiety and perfectionism around your piano playing...

*If you feel blocked creatively and hesitant about your ability to improvise …

I’m here to help you.

Let’s have a conversation about your musical struggles and how to achieve your creative liberation.

Schedule a Free 30 minute Call :